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Decentralization of authority to examine and approve imported medical devices in China
On April 8, the State Council issued a decision on suspending the implementation of the regulations on Supervision and Administration of Medical Devices in the International Medical Tourism area of Boao Le City, Hainan (hereinafter referred to as "decision").Import approval shall be carried out by Hainan Provincial Government and used in designate...
High-paid positions in medicine and medicine attract
Recently, at the "Beijing Yizhuang first Biopharmaceutical Fair", nearly 40 famous biomedical enterprises offered more than 600 high-paying positions, attracting more than 1400 people to compete for jobs. The job fairs in the medical world are taking a "high-end" route.Whether it is large pharmaceutical companies such as Ted Pharmaceutical, B...
Drinking Eucommia ulmoides tea to reduce fat
TCM believes that deficiency of fat is due to body deficiency, metabolic capacity is weak, the body garbage can not be removed in time, so accumulated in the body, the formation of obesity over time.This kind of fat is mostly related to deficiency of qi and yang.Due to lack of vitality, the body often can not resist the invasion of external diseas...
Free medical examination in Tibet for seven years and three million people
According to the Health and Family Planning Commission of the Tibet Autonomous region, Tibet is currently conducting free medical examinations for urban and rural residents and monks and nuns, the seventh consecutive year in Tibet. In 2017, the free physical examination in Tibet benefited about 3 million people.It is understood that since the intr...
General Administration of Food and Health Food Special sampling Monitoring Program issued
The Food and Drug Administration of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, the China Institute for Food and Drug Control and the agencies responsible for food safety spot inspection at the relevant General Administration level:In accordance with the relevant arrangements of the State Administrat...
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  Shandong Luxi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
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